A Poignant New Memoir
A story about getting a fresh start when something goes wrong in our lives. A story of love and forgiveness.
And a story about never giving up.
Other Books By Eric

Book Synopsis
Frustrated? Scared? Overwhelmed?
Yes—those feelings run amok when you slap the label of entrepreneur or business owner on your chest.
But like Yin goes with Yang, so too comes the flip side of entrepreneurship: Raw excitement. Soul-touching joy. Spine-tingling adrenaline.
Every day the battle rages on. Around you. Inside you.
Your answer on how to cope? You’re staring at it.
Yes—this book walks with you 365 days each year. Injecting wisdom. Inspiration. Encouragement.
Each day includes wisdom from many of the titans of entrepreneurship like Richard Branson, Kathy Ireland, and Sara Blakely—along with corresponding words of insight from lifelong entrepreneur and author Eric T. Wagner.
Like a mentor in your pocket. There for you every day. Through the fire.
Don’t leave home without it.
Humbling Praise
Walk Through Fire will protect you from the flames of doubt and despair you will undoubtedly face during your entrepreneurial journey. Keep your copy handy. You’ll need it.
~ Michael StelznerFounder and CEO of Social Media Examiner, Author of Launch and Writing White Papers
The perfect combination of sage advice, truth bombs, and inspirational nuggets that any entrepreneur will find invaluable on that quest to create something of worth in this world. Eric Wagner has assembled the ultimate daily reader to keep you on the higher path.
~ Ali Brown Entrepreneur, Mentor, Angel Investor, Founder and CEO of AliBrown.com and Elevate
The life of an entrepreneur can be a lonely one. Walk Through Fire serves as a daily companion, providing moments of challenge, insight, inspiration, and the occasional kick in the
pants, all of which are needed to propel a leader and an enterprise.
~ Seth Goldman Co-Founder and CEO of Honest Tea, and Co-Author of Mission In A Bottle
As soon as I opened it a thought occurred to me: how do I keep it from looking ratty because this thing will be with me every day for the next 364? Essential wisdom, wit, and wonder in pieces bite-sized, yet mighty for the nourishment of mind and spirit for any entrepreneur. Why the heck did I not think of this? Brilliant. Period.
~ Kelsey Ramsden Author, Speaker, Founder, and CEO of KelseyRamsden.com, Canada’s Top Female Entrepreneur of the Year
This book is the 30-second-per-day (literally just 30 seconds!), 365-day habit that will prod you, stir you to action, and force you to question your assumptions. It’s a summons to action and an 80/20 book through and through from a principled man.This book is the 30-second-per-day (literally just 30 seconds!), 365-day habit that will prod you, stir you to action, and force you to question your assumptions. It’s a summons to action and an 80/20 book through and through from a principled man.
~ Perry Marshall Author, Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords and 80/20 Sales and Marketing
Entrepreneurial success doesn’t happen someday. It’s not one big moment somewhere in the future. Success occurs by stringing daily wins together. You must have a victory in your
business each and every day. Walk Through Fire is your daily guide or better said, battle plan for finding your own entrepreneurial success.
~ Mike Michalowicz Author, Profit First, The Pumpkin Plan and The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur
Small businesses and entrepreneurs need an ecosystem of support. Not just once a month. Or once a week. But every day. Wisdom, guidance, and inspiration to continue even in the worst of times. Eric provides a piece of that in Walk Through Fire. Use it as you face the daily battle of
building the business you love.
~ Clate Mask Co-Founder and CEO of Infusionsoft, Co-Author of Conquer the Chaos
Most books for entrepreneurs focus on tips, tricks, and high points. But this book acts as the
entrepreneur’s ‘daily devotional,’ one that will walk with you through the valleys and shadows, when things are scary and uncertain. That’s when we need rhythm and habit, and maybe a bit of
encouragement, to carry us over the crest of the next hill and out of the darkness.
~ Kurt Theobald Founder and CEO of Classy Llama

Meet The Author
Hi. I’m Eric and here’s 3 things to know about me:
1st — I’m a blessed husband and father with a loving wife named Susan and 3 beautiful daughters named Dakota, Danika, and Hannah, the former two grown and our youngest in heaven.
2nd — I used to be a dedicated, life-long entrepreneur for over 30+ years and an ex writer on Forbes. Now all in the past.
3rd — I’m now a debut author and storyteller. Seeking to live, love, explore, and experience passion so I can write about it. And yes, I’m starting anew at 59. Deal with it.
You can connect with me here should you feel so inclined.